In the How We Read educational podcast, we explore how children, adolescents and adults and learn to read. Learning to read is not just a matter of decoding. Neither is learning to read something that stops at childhood. Rather, learning to read is a complex enterprise that includes finding the right book, having reading role models, being immersed in book-full environments and searching for new ways to approach different kinds of texts through different stages of life. This series takes you into the world of reading, from childhood to old age, to uncover the art and science of learning to read.


S1E1: The Bedtime Story

We’ve heard many times the need for the bedtime story, and the importance of reading to children from a young age. But why is it important? How do we choose the right books? And is there a better way to read? In this episode, we learn just how important the bedtime story is, and invite guest storytellers to share with us their secrets to making a story come alive.

Episode Guests:

  • Dr. Jo Ann Netto-Shek, Lecturer, National Institute of Education

  • Ms. Lianne Ong, Children’s Author

  • Mrs. Valerie Yong and her children

  • Mr. Dwayne Lau, Actor, Performer and Storyteller

  • Mr. Hossan Leong, Actor, Producer and Comedian


S1E2: The (Bilingual) Reading Brain

In this episode, we delve into the world of experts who work with pre-schoolers and primary school children to uncover how young children learn to read. We examine how the human brain learns to read, and ask how the capacity to read in different languages has an impact on our brain and social and cultural development.

Episode Guests:

  • Dr. Maryanne Wolf, Professor and Director of the Center for Dyslexia, Diverse Learners, and Social Justice, UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies

  • Dr. Beth O’Brien, Principal Research Scientist, National Institute of Education

  • Dr. Sun Baoqi, Research Scientist, National Institute of Education

  • Dr. Mukhlis Abu Bakar, Associate Professor, National Institute of Education

  • Ms. Ling Xin Jin & Nadia


S1E3: Helping Others Read

Children come to school differently resourced. Many children come to school knowing their ABCs and a rare few can read chapter books by the age of six. But what about children who have difficulty learning to read because of home circumstances? This episode explores the work of educators and volunteers who make it their mission to make reading for all a reality.

Episode Guests:

  • Dr. Tan Chee Soon, Lecturer, National Institute of Education

  • Ms. Michelle Yeo, Lawyer and Co-founder of ReadAble

  • Ms. Joy Tan, Teacher Volunteer at ReadAble


S1E4: Comic Relief

Why do people read comics or graphic novels? Is there a distinction between the two? Who reads comics? This episode delves into the world of comic reading to explore why comics hold such attraction for not just children and teens, but adults and seniors. We make a case that comics has a place for the entertainment, education and edification of children and adults.

Episode Guests:

  • Mr. CT Lim, Educator and Country Editor for International Journal of Comic Art

  • Ms. Teo Xing Zhi, Associate Librarian, National Library Board

  • Ms. Felicia Low-Jimenez, Children’s Book Author and Founder of Difference Engine

  • Ms. Sarah Mounsey, Director of Libraries at Dulwich College (Singapore)

  • Mr. Tay Tze Ern and Ms. Tay Min Ern


S1E5: Reading Poetry

In this episode, we examine the power of poetry and ask why we should read poetry in today’s fast-paced and multicultural world. What does poetry do for the soul, the mind and the heart? We interview professors and personalities to inspire us to get started on our own poetic reading journey.

Episode Guests:


S1E6: True or Not? - How to Spot Fake News

In this world of ceaseless information, how do we make sense of what we read and decide what counts, what works and what is real? In this episode, we break into the world of journalism to find out how these investigators sieve truth from falsehood and decide what counts as news. We explore how online reading has changed our reading consumption and learn how to be critical readers.

Episode Guests:

  • Dr. Jiow Hee Jhee, Associate Professor, Singapore Institute of Technology and Member of the Media Literacy Council (IMDA)

  • Mr. Tan Tarn How, Former Journalist, Playwright and IPS Fellow

  • Mr. Jaime Ho, Chief Editor, CNA Digital

  • Dr. Csilla Weninger, Associate Professor, National Institute of Education

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S1E7: Reading into the Future

This episode re-imagines the future of reading. We examine whether reading in print or digitally has an impact on the way we read, and on the evolution of our species as a learning species. We ask, what does the skills future of reading look like? And how do we ensure we embrace all the different complexities and element of reading as parents, educators, learners and citizens?

Episode Guests:

  • Professor Tommy Koh, Ambassador-at-Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rector of Tembusu College at the National University of Singapore and Chairman of the National Heritage Board

  • Mr. Ng Kah Gay, Publisher, Ethos Books

  • Dr. Angelia Poon, Associate Professor, National Institute of Education

  • Dr. Victor Lim Fei, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education

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Bonus Episode #1: Edmen Leong on Helping Children with Dyslexia Learn to Read

Worldwide figures estimate that dyslexia, a learning difficulty related to language learning, affect 5-15% of the population. This bonus episode features an interview segment with Mr Edmen Leong, Director of Specialised Educational Services at the Dyslexia Association of Singapore, sharing about how we can help dyslexic children learn to read.

Episode Guest:

  • Mr. Edmen Leong, Director of Specialised Educational Services, Dyslexia Association of Singapore

Illustrated by Andrew Tan. Copyright Epigram Books.

Illustrated by Andrew Tan. Copyright Epigram Books.

Bonus Episode #2: Felicia Low-Jimenez on Co-Writing Sherlock Sam

The Adventures of Sherlock Sam is a bestselling adventure series about a 10-year old boy detective. Join us for this bonus episode with author Felicia Low-Jimenez as she shares about how she, together with Adan Jimenez, comes up with ideas for their books.

Episode Guest:


Bonus Episode #3: Professor Tommy Koh on the Importance of Reading Literature

In this bonus episode, Professor Tommy Koh speaks about why reading literature is vital for understanding technology, mastering a language and comprehending the world. A top-notch negotiator and seasoned diplomat, Professor Koh believes that the study of literature is one of the best investments he has made.

Episode Guest:

  • Professor Tommy Koh, Ambassador-at-Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rector of Tembusu College at the National University of Singapore and Chairman of the National Heritage Board



In this educational podcast, we explore how children, adolescents and adults and learn to read. Learning to read is not just a matter of decoding. Neither is learning to read something that stops at childhood. Rather, learning to read is a complex enterprise that includes finding the right book, having reading role models, being immersed in book-full environments and searching for new ways to approach different kinds of texts through different stages of life. This series takes you into the world of reading, from childhood to old age, to uncover the art and science of learning to read. 

The How We Read podcast launches the 4th of January 2021.